mindset Jun 15, 2021

Are You Leaning Towards the Light?

In the past month I have spent a lot of time reflecting on my thoughts and the quality of these thoughts. 

For years (and the pandemic certainly did help), I have been living in the future which is a source of anxiety for me. 

It was so easy to catastrophize situations but as I started to observe my thoughts more closely, I realized there was no validity in them. Okay, maybe those horrible situations that I envisioned could come to fruition but most likely they will not. 

So why I am I causing myself more grey hairs?!?! Ill tell you why…

We as humans, just love to sabotage ourselves. 

Have you noticed that when things are going well (and this can also relate to any area of your life, you name it…your fitness, career, etc…) we say to ourselves, “What’s wrong? Or “I just know the other shoe is going to drop anytime soon.”?

We question this because we are comfortable living in the dark. This is where we spend most of our living…in fear, worry, anxiety, comparison, lack, etc...

I wish I could give a formula or had some way of documenting the evolution of my thought process but I do not. However, I can tell you some things that certainly did help me along the way.

First, I came to put more trust in God and the Universe. 

I find that I often want to control the outcomes of situations in my life.  However, we must learn let go. 

I have to trust that everything will be okay and that the way I want something to turn out may not be what is best for me or others around me. 

This can be a hard pill to swallow.

But when I look back on significant points in my life when I have either been disappointed or deeply hurt, something even better came along.

If I can reassure myself that the outcome will be good then I am able to relax more.   So, in a way there is no longer uncertainly which causes a lot of the stress and anxiety. 

There is actually now certainty. 

What is uncertain in the process and path to this favorable outcome and this is where we need to pause and enjoy the moments along our path. 

Second, I started to become aware of my thoughts.  When a fearful thought enters my head, I am now able to catch it quickly before it causes a train wreck of emotions.

I also noticed how negative thoughts made me feel, both physically and emotionally.  I figured out how I could shift back to feeling good, which usually was replacing that thought with a better-feeling thought to allow myself to stay in a loving place.

Third, I try to find the light in all situations and be a light for all those around me.

I remind myself before I meet with clients, friends and loved ones to have a positive energetic presence. 

I used to say to my youngest son as he got out of the car each morning on the way to preschool to share his light.  I would also tell him “Eres la luz de mi vida” which translates as “You are the light of my life.”  It is funny because I have not said either phrase to him in a long time and only thought about this as I write this article. 

I know finding the light in all situations is far from easy. 

As a homework assignment to my small group, I asked that everyone keep a gratitude journal and each evening record 3 things in which they are grateful for and 3 wins. 

I must practice what I preach so I started one myself.  I have to say this has really helped me to keep my focus on all that is good in my life and helps to push out the negativity that creeps in.

I didn’t say this is always easy…If my children are being disrespectful, I can easily get caught up in the moment and loose the inner peace that I have been desperately trying to create. 

But just like everything else it is a process and it is far from perfect but each time it gets a little easier and a little better.



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